Selesai Hari Ini

As the title states “Complete Today” meaning that the “day” has arrived for me (Greg) to be finished my formal language training.  10 months ago when we arrived in Salatiga I didn’t think this day would come but here it is.  Wow praise the Lord for His goodness!

The next two months will be filled with packing, goodbyes, and some traveling for Julie and Franklin.  Next Monday Julie and Franklin will be traveling to Singapore for some testing and evaluations for Franklin.  We are hoping to receive some information on how to help Franklin learn easier.

July 13th we are planning on loading a container with our belongings here that we want to take to Papua.  This will include our furniture and motorbikes and odds and ends.  After all our stuff is sent on it’s way Julie will do her best to finish up her language studies as well we will be able to visit our neighbors some without distraction of packing for a few days before we follow our stuff to Papua.

Textbooks and notes can be packed away now.

Not sure when this box will be opened again?
Celebration supper at my favorite local diner.

Enjoying my favorite dish at my favorite spot.  Babi Kecap fried pork with a sweet sauce on top of white rice and cucumbers.

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